Learn web development

Advanced text formatting


预备知识: 熟悉基础的HTML, 包括 Getting started with HTML. HTML文本格式, 覆盖 HTML text fundamentals.
目标: 学习如何使用不太知名的HTML元素来标记高级语义特征。

描述列表(Description lists)

在 HTML 基础部分, 我们讨论了如何在 HTML 中标记基本的列表,但是我们没有提到你偶尔会遇到的第三种类型的列表— 描述列表。 这些列表的目的是标记一组项目及其相关描述,例如术语和定义, 问题和答案等。让我们看一组术语和定义的示例:

In drama, where a character speaks to themselves, representing their inner thoughts or feelings and in the process relaying them to the audience (but not to other characters.)
In drama, where a character speaks their thoughts out loud to share them with the audience and any other characters present.
In drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audience for humorous or dramatic effect. This is usually a feeling, thought or piece of additional background information

描述列表使用与其他列表类型不同的闭合标签— <dl>; 此外,每一项都用  <dt> (description term)  元素闭合。每个描述都用 <dd> (description description) 元素闭合。让我们来完成下面的标记例子:

  <dd>In drama, where a character speaks to themselves, representing their inner thoughts or feelings and in the process relaying them to the audience (but not to other characters.)</dd>
  <dd>In drama, where a character speaks their thoughts out loud to share them with the audience and any other characters present.</dd>
  <dd>In drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audience for humorous or dramatic effect. This is usually a feeling, thought or piece of additional background information.</dd>

 浏览器的默认样式会将描述列表的描述部分(description description)渲染成和描述术语(description terms)之间有一些缩进。MDN也将非常严格地遵循这一惯例,同时也鼓励关于术语的其他更多的定义(but also embolden the terms for extra definition)。

In drama, where a character speaks to themselves, representing their inner thoughts or feelings and in the process relaying them to the audience (but not to other characters.)
In drama, where a character speaks their thoughts out loud to share them with the audience and any other characters present.
In drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audience for humorous or dramatic effect. This is usually a feeling, thought or piece of addtional background information.

请注意:单个术语(single term )可以同时有多个描述(multiple descriptions),比如说:

In drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audience for humorous or dramatic effect. This is usually a feeling, thought or piece of additional background information.
In writing, a section of content that is related to the current topic, but doesn't fit directly into the main flow of content so is presented nearby (often in a box off to the side.)

主动学习: 标记一组定义(definitions)

现在是时候尝试一下描述列表了; 在输入区域的原始文本里添加相应的元素,使得它在输出区域是以描述列表的形式出现。如果你喜欢,你也可以使用你自己的术语(description terms)和描述(description description)。

如果在这其中犯了错误,你可以使用复位(Reset button)按钮恢复,如果你实在不知道怎么做,你可以按下显示解决方案按钮(Show solution button)看答案。





<p>The <strong>HTML <code>&lt;blockquote&gt;</code> Element</strong> (or <em>HTML Block
Quotation Element</em>) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.</p>


<blockquote cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/blockquote">
  <p>The <strong>HTML <code>&lt;blockquote&gt;</code> Element</strong> (or <em>HTML Block
  Quotation Element</em>) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.</p>


The HTML <blockquote> Element (or HTML Block Quotation Element) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.



<p>The quote element — <code>&lt;q&gt;</code> — is <q cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/q">intended
for short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks.</q></p>


The quote element — <q> — is intended for short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks.



<p>According to the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/blockquote">
<cite>MDN blockquote page</cite></a>:
<blockquote cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/blockquote">
  <p>The <strong>HTML <code>&lt;blockquote&gt;</code> Element</strong> (or <em>HTML Block
  Quotation Element</em>) indicates that the enclosed text is an extended quotation.</p>
<p>The quote element — <code>&lt;q&gt;</code> — is <q cite="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/q">intended
for short quotations that don't require paragraph breaks.</q> -- <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/q">
<cite>MDN q page</cite></a>.</p>




  1. 把中间的段落变成块引用,它要包含cite属性
  2. 把第三个段落的一部分变成行内引用,它要包含cite属性
  3. 每一个引用都要包含<cite>元素


如果你做错了,你总可以使用Reset按钮重置。如果你真的不会了,按下Show solution按钮来看答案。



<p>We use <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</abbr> to structure our web documents.</p>
<p>I think <abbr title="Reverend">Rev.</abbr> Green did it in the kitchen with the chainsaw.</p>

These will come out looking something like this (the expansion will appear in a tooltip when the term is hovered over):


We use HTML to structure our web documents.

I think Rev. Green did it in the kitchen with the chainsaw.

Note: There is another element, <acronym>, which basically does the same thing as <abbr>, and was intended specifically for acronyms rather than abbreviations. This however has fallen into disuse — it wasn't supported as well in browsers as well as <abbr>, and has such as similar function that it was felt pointless to have both. Just use <abbr> instead.

Active learning: marking up an abbreviation

For this simple active learning assignment, we'd like you to simply mark up an abbreviation. You can use our sample below, or replace it with one of your own. 



  <p>Chris Mills, Manchester, The Grim North, UK</p>


  <p>Page written by <a href="../authors/chris-mills/">Chris Mills</a>.</p>


当你使用日期、化学方程式、和数学方程式时会偶尔使用上标和下标,所以它们有正确的意义。 <sup><sub>元素可以解决这样的问题。例如:

<p>My birthday is on the 25<sup>th</sup> of May 2001.</p>
<p>Caffeine's chemical formula is C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>10</sub>N<sub>4</sub>O<sub>2</sub>.</p>
<p>If x<sup>2</sup> is 9, x must equal 3 or -3.</p>


My birthday is on the 25th of May 2001.

Caffeine's chemical formula is C8H10N4O2.

If x2 is 9, x must equal 3 or -3.



  • <code>: 用于标记计算机通用代码。
  • <pre>: 用于标记固定宽度的文本块,其中保留空格(通常是代码块)。
  • <var>: 用于标记具体变量名。
  • <kbd>: 用于标记输入电脑的键盘(或其他类型)输入。
  • <samp>: 用于标记计算机程序的输出。


<pre><code>var para = document.querySelector('p');
para.onclick = function() {
  alert('Owww, stop poking me!');
<p>You shouldn't use presentational elements like <code>&lt;font&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;center&gt;</code>.</p>
<p>In the above JavaScript example, <var>para</var> represents a paragraph element.</p>
<p>Select all the text with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>/<kbd>Cmd</kbd> + <kbd>A</kbd>.</p>
<pre>$ <kbd>ping mozilla.org</kbd>
<samp>PING mozilla.org ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=40 time=158.233 ms</samp></pre>



HTML 还支持将时间和日期标记为可供机器识别的格式的 <time> 元素。例如:

<time datetime="2016-01-20">20 January 2016</time>


  • 20 January 2016
  • 20th January 2016
  • Jan 20 2016
  • 20/06/16
  • 06/20/16
  • The 20th of next month
  • 20e Janvier 2016
  • 2016年1月20日
  • And so on

但是这些不同的格式不容易被电脑识别 — 假如你想自动抓取页面上所有事件的日期并将它们插入到日历中,<time> 元素允许你附上清晰的、可被机器识别的 时间/日期来实现这种需求。


<!-- Standard simple date -->
<time datetime="2016-01-20">20 January 2016</time>
<!-- Just year and month -->
<time datetime="2016-01">January 2016</time>
<!-- Just month and day -->
<time datetime="01-20">20 January</time>
<!-- Just time, hours and minutes -->
<time datetime="19:30">19:30</time>
<!-- You can do seconds and milliseconds too! -->
<time datetime="19:30:01.856">19:30:01.856</time>
<!-- Date and time -->
<time datetime="2016-01-20T19:30">7.30pm, 20 January 2016</time>
<!-- Date and time with timezone offset-->
<time datetime="2016-01-20T19:30+01:00">7.30pm, 20 January 2016 is 8.30pm in France</time>
<!-- Calling out a specific week number-->
<time datetime="2016-W04">The fourth week of 2016</time>


到这里你就完成了 HTML 语义文本元素的学习。但要记住,你在本课程中学到的并不是 HTML 文本元素的详细列表 — 我们想要尽量覆盖主要的、通用的、常见的,或者至少是有趣的部分。如果你想找到更多的 HTML 元素,可以看一看我们的 HTML element reference (从 Inline text semantics 部分开始会是一个好的选择) 。在下一篇文章中我们将会学习用来组织 HTML 文档不同部分的 HTML 元素。
