
Navigator 接口表示用户代理的状态和标识。 它允许脚本查询它和注册自己进行一些活动。

可以使用只读的 window.navigator 属性检索导航器对象。


不从NavigatorID, NavigatorLanguage, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorGeolocation, NavigatorPlugins, NavigatorUserMedia, 和 NetworkInformation 中继承任何属性,但是实现了定义在这些对象中的如下属性。


Navigator.activeVRDisplays 只读
筛选所有的VRDisplay 对象,把其中所有VRDisplay.ispresenting属性的值为true的对象以数组的形式返回。
NavigatorID.appCodeName 只读
返回当前浏览器的内部“开发代号”名称。 不能保证此属性返回的值是正确的。
NavigatorID.appName 只读
以 DOMString 的形式返回浏览器官方名称。 不能保证此属性返回的值是正确的。
NavigatorID.appVersion 只读
DOMString 的形式返回浏览器版本。不能保证此属性返回的值是正确的。
Navigator.battery 只读
返回一个 BatteryManager 对象,你可以用它来获取一些电池充电状态的信息。
Navigator.connection 只读
NavigatorGeolocation.geolocation 只读
Returns a Geolocation object allowing accessing the location of the device.
NavigatorPlugins.javaEnabled 只读
Returns a Boolean flag indicating whether the host browser is Java-enabled or not.
NavigatorLanguage.language 只读
Returns a DOMString representing the preferred language of the user, usually the language of the browser UI. The null value is returned when this is unknown.
NavigatorLanguage.languages 只读
Returns an array of DOMString representing the languages known to the user, by order of preference.
NavigatorPlugins.mimeTypes 只读
Returns an MimeTypeArray listing the MIME types supported by the browser.
NavigatorOnLine.onLine 只读
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the browser is working online.
Returns a string that represents the current operating system.
NavigatorID.platform 只读
Returns a string representing the platform of the browser. Do not rely on this function to return a significant value.
NavigatorPlugins.plugins 只读
Returns a PluginArray listing the plugins installed in the browser.
NavigatorID.product 只读
Always returns 'Gecko', on any browser. This property is kept only for compatibility purpose.
NavigatorID.userAgent 只读
Returns the user agent string for the current browser.
Navigator.serviceWorker 只读
Returns a ServiceWorkerContainer object, which provides access to registration, removal, upgrade, and communication with the ServiceWorker objects for the associated document.


Returns the build identifier of the browser (e.g., "2006090803").
Returns a boolean indicating whether cookies are enabled in the browser or not.
Reports the value of the user's do-not-track preference. When this value is "yes", your web site or application should not track the user.
Returns the id object which you can use to add support for BrowserID to your web site.
navigator.mozAlarms Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a MozAlarmsManager object you can use to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a specific time.
Returns an Apps object you can use to install, manage, and control Open Web apps.
The navigator.mozAudioChannelManager object provides access to the mozAudioChannelManager interface, which is used to manage your Firefox OS device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app.
navigator.mozCamera Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Return a CameraManager object you can use to access cameras available on your device.
navigator.mozFMRadio Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Return an FMRadio object you can use to access the device FM radio.
navigator.mozMobileConnection Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Return a MozMobileConnection object to retrieve the connection states of a mobile device and to perform some SIM/RUIM card actions.
navigator.mozMobileMessage Requires FirefoxOS 1.1
Returns a MozMobileMessageManager object you can use to manage MMS and SMS messaging in your web application.
navigator.mozNetworkStats Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a MozNetworkStatsManager object you can use to access network data amount information.
navigator.mozNfc Requires FirefoxOS 2.0
Returns a MozNFC object that can be used to access Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality, allowing two phones to have data transferred between one another simply by holding them close or tapping them together.
navigator.mozNotification 已废弃 Gecko 22
Returns a notification object you can use to deliver notifications to the user from your web application.
navigator.mozPower Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a PowerManager object that allows to control the power usage and turn off unused peripherals to save power.
navigator.mozSettings Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a SettingsManager object you can use to access the device's settings.
navigator.mozSms Requires FirefoxOS 1.0 已废弃 Gecko 25
Returns a MozSmsManager object you can use to manage SMS messaging in your web application.
The Object, returned by the navigator.mozSocial property, is available within the social media provider's panel to provide functionality it may need.
navigator.mozTCPSocket Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a TCPSocket object that allows to open a raw TCP connection.
navigator.mozTelephony Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a Telephony object you can use to create and manage telephone calls.
navigator.mozWifiManager Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Returns a WifiManager object you can use to manage Wifi networks.
Returns the build number of the current browser (e.g., "20060909").
Returns an empty string. In Netscape 4.7x, returns "US & CA domestic policy" or "Export policy".
Returns a boolean indicating whether the browser is running in standalone mode. Available on Apple's iOS Safari only.
Returns the vendor name of the current browser (e.g., "Netscape6").
Returns the vendor version number (e.g. "6.1").
Returns a PointerLock object for the Mouse Lock API.


Doesn't inherit any method, but implements those defined in NavigatorID, NavigatorContentUtils, NavigatorUserMedia, and NavigatorStorageUtils.


After having prompted the user for permission, returns the audio or video stream associated to a camera or microphone on the local computer.
Allows web sites to register themselves as a possible handler for a given MIME type.
Allows web sites to register themselves as a possible handler for a given protocol.
NavigatorID.taintEnabled() 已废弃 Gecko 1.7.8 已废弃 Gecko 9.0
Returns false. JavaScript taint/untaint functions removed in JavaScript 1.2.
Causes vibration on devices with support for it. Does nothing if vibration support isn't available.

Non standard

navigator.addIdleObserver Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Allows to add an observer to check when the user is idle.
navigator.getDataStores Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Provides access to a list of the Data Store API data stores available on the device.
navigator.getDeviceStorage Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Gives access to device storage areas.
navigator.getDeviceStorages Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Gives access to all the device storage areas of the same type.
navigator.mozHasPendingMessage Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Allows an app to know if there is a pending message of a given type.
Lets code check to see if the document at a given URI is available without using the network.
Allows in-app payment.
navigator.mozSetMessageHandler Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Allows an app to register a function handler for any kind of system message.
navigator.preference 已废弃 Gecko 2.0
Sets a user preference. This method is only available to privileged code and is obsolete; you should use the XPCOM Preferences API instead.
navigator.removeIdleObserver Requires FirefoxOS 1.0
Allows to remove an observer used to check if the user is idle.
Request a wake lock for a resource. A wake lock prevents a specific part of a device from being turned off automatically.

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