JavaScript Debugger允许单步调试,进入到你的Javascript代码中审查并修改相应的值,便于追踪缺陷.
你可以运用JS Debugger来调试并运行在远程或本地的代码,比如在火狐OS或安卓设备上。远程调试请查看 远程调试 ,来学习如何将调试器与远程目标连接起来 。
在火狐浏览器的web开发者菜单下选中调试器就可以打开调试窗口(如果你显示了菜单栏,点击工具栏也可是可以打开的,当然包括苹果系统),,或者输入快捷键 Control-Shift-S (苹果系统为Command-Option-S).
工具栏 将会在浏览器的最底部展示,此时调试器已经被激活。当你第一次打开的时候类似下图:
- toolbar 工具栏
- source list pane 源码列表区
- call stack pane 调用栈区 (new in Firefox 29)
- source pane 源码区
- variables pane 变量区
- events pane 事件区
Source list pane
资源列表显示区显示了此页面加载的所有脚本源文件,你可以选择一个并进行调试,从Firefox版本29开始,资源列表展示区与 call stack pane(调用栈)展示区域进行了共享,你可以点击不同的tab标示进行来回切换.
源文件在展示时根据不同的加载来源进行了分组. 你可以选择任意个文件,然后他们将被加载到 Source pane(源码区域)进行展示.
- 启用、禁用或删除断点、删除/禁用/启用所有断点、或删除/禁用/启用除此外的所有断点、
- 配置条件断点 (如果他已经有条件,你还修改他的条件)
资源列表区域底部的三个图标可以让你切换black boxing(黑盒)、美化脚本、禁用/启用所有断点.
T左下角的眼睛是一个按钮,可以在你选中文件后进行 black box (切换黑盒)。切换黑盒功能在查看源文件但不调试源文件时非常有用,就像jQuery的包一样。如果一个资源进入黑盒状态,此时调试器将不在关注此资源:所有在些文件中设置的断点将会失效,并且调试器跟踪到这里时将会跳过这里的代码。
Pretty printing
这对花括号 {}
允许你装压缩过(minified)的脚本进行美化 pretty-print files that have been , 这样方便你的阅读.
Toggle all breakpoints
切换所有断点状态按钮是在 Firefox 29+ 中出现的.
回调面板是Firefox 29中新增的。
正如前面的栈框架所示,每一行表示一个回调级别。选中的哪行显示正在执行的函数名, 一个源文件链接和行号。
这表示JS文件已经加载好了。挨着行号的蓝色圆圈是断点, 运行到断点处里面有一个蓝色箭头。
- 设置断点
- 设置有条件的断点
- 为选区添加一个监控表达式
- 用 脚本筛选 功能搜索或者过滤
Variables popup 变量弹出框
变量提示是在Firefox 28中新增的。
如果在源文件面板中将鼠标移到一个变量上, 会出现一个弹出消息提示变量当前值:
- 一组控制脚本跳转的按钮
- 调用栈的可视化
- 脚本过滤器
- 关闭/打开变量和事件面板 以及 控制debugger的按钮
- 暂停/恢复 (F8): 调试脚本的时候执行。当它变蓝,并且有“按下”的状态时,意味着脚本已经暂停 ,因为你已经按下暂停按钮或者遇到一个断点。
- 单步跳过 (F10): 跨越当前行JavaScript代码进入下一行。
- 单步进入 (F11): 进入当前JavaScript的函数体。
- 单步退出 (Shift-F11): 运行脚本直到当前函数退出。
脚本筛选器Script filter
首字 | 功能 |
无首字 | 在source list pane直接筛选 |
! | 在所有文件中查找. |
@ | 在所有文件中查找包含该字符串的函数名. |
# | 在当前source pane中打开的文件搜索 |
: | 在当前source pane中打开的文件跳转到给定行数 |
* | 在variables pane筛选变量 |
当你点击筛选器时,这些选项会以跳出窗口的形式展现,你也可以通过资源面板的组件菜单(context menu)来访问他们。前缀可提供更为有力的查询,如"file.js:12",这会打开file.js并高亮12行,或者利用"mod#onLoad",这能查找到所有包含onLoad文字列的文件名包含mod的文件。在查询时敲击回车键可以移动到下一搜索结果处。
At the right-hand end of the toolbar are two more buttons. The first of these shows and hides the variables and events panes, and the second enables you to toggle various debugger settings:
Auto Prettify Minified Sources | 这个选项开启的时候,调试器将自动检测压缩的Js文件并且美化(pretty-print)它。 |
异常停止 | 这个选项开启的时候,脚本执行的过程中如果抛出异常将会自动暂停。 |
忽略异常 | 如果这个选项被开启 (默认开启) 并且 "Pause on exceptions" 也开启, 只有当异常(exception )未被捕获时,脚本停止执行。这通常是你所希望的 (你不需要异常被捕获时触发暂停,因为这通常表示你的程序是正确地处理它). |
Show Panes on Startup | 这个选项开启的时候, 当第一次启动调试器的时候 variables pane 显示。 |
Show Only Enumerable Properties | 只显示可枚举的JavaScript属性。 |
显示变量筛选器 | 开启这个选项将会在variables panel上添加一个"变量筛选"搜索栏,可以筛选并展示变量列表。 |
Show Original Sources | 开启这个选项将会使调试器使用source maps,如果可用,来显示编译、压缩、甚至被编译成JavaScript语言(例如CoffeeScript)的源代码。该项默认开启。 |
Automatically Black Box Minified Sources |
Firefox 33新增 对于URL以".min.js"结尾自动开启黑盒sources 。该项默认开启。 |
The variables pane shares its screen real estate with the events pane, and you can use the tabs at the top of the pane to switch between them.
Examining variables
变量的不同作用域: 内建参数在函数作用域作为局部变量,就像例子中的 user
和 greeting 。同样在全局作用域中的全局变量,例子中的greetme,还有globals
自带的 localStorage
和 console 。
对象时显示 "configurable enumerable writable"。可以在 Object.defineProperty()
你可以通过在script filter中使用“*”修饰符来筛选显示的变量,或者在调试器设置中开启 Show Variables Filter Box 这个选项。
Modifying variables 修改变量值
通过点击当前变量的值并输入新的值就可以修改变量的值;例如,如果你点击变量greeting旁边的"Hi, Dr. Nick!"
Watch expressions
监视表达式是在每次执行暂停时进行评估的表达式。 然后,您可以检查这些表达式的结果。 这些是有用的,因为它们允许您观察您知道的代码中的不变量,但不一定在代码中准备检查。 要添加监视表达式,请单击“添加监视表达式”的框,然后在逐步执行代码时输入要输出的JavaScript表达式。
然后开始运行你的代码。 在您开始执行代码之前,该表达式不会执行任何操作,因此在您到达断点之前,任何操作都不会发生。 此时,会显示一个显示您的主动观察表达式及其当前值的框:
您可以进行逐步浏览代码,观察表达式的变化值; 每次运行它,盒子将短暂闪烁黄色。 您可以通过单击旁边的“x”图标来删除一个表达式,当然,一次可以有多个watch表达式。
Highlight and inspect DOM nodes
Firefox 29 新增功能
如果你点击目标icon, Inspector 会打开这个DOM元素。
Events pane 事件面板
Firefox 27 新增
它和 variables pane是共享屏幕的实时状态的,所以你可以在两个面板之间切换。
It groups events by type. The screenshot above shows four types: Interaction, Keyboard, Mouse, and Navigation. Under each type it lists all events which have listeners in your code, with the following syntax:
[event name] on [event target] in [source file]
If you check the checkbox next to the event, the debugger will break at the first line of the event's listener. If you check the checkbox next to the event type, then the debugger will break for any of the events listed under that type.
为了能打开调试器,从Firefox菜单(当菜单栏显示或在OS X系统中可通过工具菜单)的Web Developer子菜单中选择"Debugger",或者按下Control-Shift-S(在Mac上为Command-Option-S)。
当调试器被打开后,所有的JavaScript源文件将被列在源文件一览面板里。你可以从中找到你所需的文件,或者使用script filter来查找。
在源文件面板中打开一个文件来查找一个方法,搜索一个字段,或跳到某一行,你可以通过script filter里的special modifiers来实现。
如下,在source pane源码区设置断点:
- 在源码区想要打断点的行号处单击。
- 或者,在源码区中,在想要打断点的行点击右键,在菜单中选择Add breakpoint"。
- 它们显示在源码列表区中的文件名下面。
- 源码区中被标记为蓝色圆点的行。
To set a conditional breakpoint, activate the context menu while on the line you want to break at, and select "Add conditional breakpoint". Then enter the conditional expression in the popup that appears:
To edit the condition, or to add a condition to a normal breakpoint, activate the context menu and select "Configure conditional breakpoint":
- 取消源文件一览面板中断点边上的选择框
- activate the context menu while your mouse pointer is over the breakpoint's entry in the source list pane, and select "Disable breakpoint"
在Firefox 29之后可用。
To switch all breakpoints on or off, use the "Toggle all breakpoints" button in the Source list pane.
在Firefox 27之后可用
If you're listening to a particular DOM event, you can tell the debugger to break when the event is triggered without having to track down the listener and set a breakpont manually.
First, open the events pane: click the button in the toolbar that opens the shared variables/events pane, then click the tab labeled "Events". The events pane will list all events for which you have assigned a listener:
Then check the box next to the event you want to break at.
When the event is triggered the code will break at the start of your listener.
- Play: 调到下一个断点
- Step over: 跳到到同一个函数的下一行代码(也就是执行当前代码行)
- Step into: 跳到函数的下一行,如果是函数调用,就会进入被调用函数中。
- Step out: 跳到当前函数的结束处。
Use a source map
JavaScript sources are often combined and minified to make delivering them from the server more efficient. Increasingly, too, JavaScript running in a page is machine-generated, as when compiled from a language like CoffeeScript. By using source maps, the debugger can map the code being executed to the original source files, making debugging much, much easier.
To tell the Debugger to use source maps if they are available, click the "Debugger settings" button and select "Show original sources" from the list of settings that pops up:
Of course, for this to work, you will need to have supplied a source map for the JavaScript running in the page. Do this by appending a comment directive to your source file:
//# sourceMappingURL=
Examine variables 检查变量
全局变量,函数作用域变量,块作用变量或者其他有作用域的变量被分开显示,并且可以展开对象查看对象的属性。此外,可以通过script filter脚本过滤器使用 "*"前缀的字符串来定位需要查找的变量。
Modify variables 修改变量
Watch an expression监视表达
You can watch the value of a JavaScript expression using the "Add watch expression" function in the variables pane.
Debug mobile devices调试移动设备
更多关于调试移动设备的内容请参见remote debugging.
Black box a source
In modern web development, we often rely on libraries like jQuery, Ember, or Angular, and 99% of the time we can safely assume that they “just work”. We don’t care about the internal implementation of these libraries: we treat them like a black box. However, a library’s abstraction leaks during debugging sessions when you are forced to step through its stack frames in order to reach your own code. With black boxing, you can tell the debugger to ignore the details of selected sources.
In versions of Firefox before Firefox 27, you can black box a source by clicking the eyeball icon next to the source in the source list pane:
From Firefox 27 onwards, enable or disable black boxing for a source by selecting the source in the source list pane and clicking the eyeball icon at the bottom left:
You can black box several sources at once by opening the developer toolbar and using the
dbg blackbox
When a source is black boxed:
- Any breakpoints it may have are disabled.
- When “pause on exceptions” is enabled, the debugger won’t pause when an exception is thrown in the black boxed source; instead it will wait until (and if) the stack unwinds to a frame in a source that isn’t black boxed.
- The debugger will skip through black boxed sources when stepping.
Pretty-print a minified file
Pretty-printing is new in Firefox 28.
To pretty-print a file that has been minified, open the minified file and click the icon that contains a pair of braces:
The file will now appear in a more readable format:
From Firefox 29 onwards, you can instruct the debugger to detect minified sources and pretty-print them for you automatically, by selecting "Auto Prettify Minified Sources" in the Debugger settings.
Access debugging in add-ons
The following items are accessible in the context of chrome://browser/content/debugger.xul (or, in version 23 beta, chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger.xul):
- window.addEventListener("Debugger:EditorLoaded") - called when the read-only script panel loaded.
- window.addEventListener("Debugger:EditorUnloaded")
Relevant files:
- chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger-controller.js
- chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger-toolbar.js
- chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger-view.js
- chrome://browser/content/devtools/debugger-panes.js
Unfortunately there is not yet any API to evaluate watches/expressions within the debugged scope, or highlight elements on the page that are referenced as variables in the debugged scope. (currently a work in progress, see bug 653545.)
Keyboard shortcuts 键盘快捷键
Command | Windows | OS X | Linux |
Open the Debugger | Ctrl + Shift + S | Cmd + Opt + S | Ctrl + Shift + S |
Search for a string in the current file | Ctrl + F | Cmd + F | Ctrl + F |
Find next in the current file | Ctrl + G | Cmd + G | Ctrl + G |
Search for scripts by name | Ctrl + P | Cmd + P | Ctrl + P |
Resume execution when at a breakpoint | F8 | F8 1 | F8 |
Step over | F10 | F10 1 | F10 |
Step into | F11 | F11 1 | F11 |
Step out | Shift + F11 | Shift + F11 1 | Shift + F11 |
1. By default, on some Macs, the function key is remapped to use a special feature: for example, to change the screen brightness or the volume. See this guide to using these keys as standard function keys. To use a remapped key as a standard function key, hold the Function key down as well (so to open the Profiler, use Shift + Function + F5).
Global shortcuts
These shortcuts work in all tools that are hosted in the toolbox.
Command | Windows | OS X | Linux |
Increase font size | Ctrl + + | Cmd + + | Ctrl + + |
Decrease font size | Ctrl + - | Cmd + - | Ctrl + - |
Reset font size | Ctrl + 0 | Cmd + 0 | Ctrl + 0 |